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Anton Antipov

Champion Bodybuilder and Model


Fitness Boxing


What you see with Anton Antipov isn't necessarily what you get. His physique certainly stands out thanks to the years of dedication he’s poured into creating and nurturing his form. But did you know, in addition to winning numerous International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness competitions, he’s also an artist?

Antipov, who was born in Belarus, is the son of an artist and his father’s passion has been embraced by the current South Florida resident. Antipov, who grew up participating in the martial art Sambo, gymnastics, swimming, and running track, among other activities, immigrated with his family to the United States in 1997. Not long after arriving in the U.S., he was introduced to weightlifting, which sparked another passion.

In the midst of majoring in art, he left that path to begin a successful modeling career. Years later, Antipov decided he wanted to increase his frame size and pack on muscle. Not only did that open the door for additional modeling opportunities, but it led to physique competitions, many of which he won. Additionally, he’s qualified for multiple Mr. Olympia competitions.

Not only does he have strength, but there’s also endurance. Antipov has made it a habit to take on running challenges between 10K to 13 miles. Many of those races are for charitable purposes for children (Team for Kids) or the Wounded Warrior Project.

It’s easy to see, Antipov is more than braun.


  • IFBB Precision Fit-Body Championships 2016 – 1st Place – Men’s Physique
  • 2015 IFBB Battle on the Beach Pro, 1st
  • 2015 IFBB Europa Phoenix, 1st
  • 2015 IFBB Fort Lauderdale Cup Pro, 1st
  • 2015 IFBB Dayana Cadeau Pro, 1st
  • 2014 IFBB Prestige Crystal Cup, 1st
  • 2014 IFBB Dayana Cadeau Classic, 1st
  • 2013 IFBB Powerhouse Pro, 1st
  • 2012 NPC Mid Atlantic Natural Classic, 1st
  • 2012 NPC Bev Francis Atlantic States, 1st
  • 2012 IFBB North American Championships, 1st
  • 2012 WBFF Rhode Island Championship, 1st

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